Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Light Microscope Pictures (400x)

Columbine Pollen 400x

Snapdragon Pollen 400x

Rose of Sharon Pollen 400x

Common NameScientific NamePollen size (μm)Pollen TypeNumber of AperturesSurface Texture
Snap Dragon Antirrhinum majus31.1pantocolpate2psilate
Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris28trilete1 to 2psilate
Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus115inapturate0echinate

Friday, January 20, 2017

Columbine, Snap Dragon , and Rose Sharon

Columbine: Aquilegia vulgaris

Snapdragon: Antirrhinum majus

Rose of Sharon: Hibiscus syriacus

SEM Microscope Images (2000x)

similar to Snapdragon sample, oval shaped, smallest of the samples (28 micrometers)

similar to Columbine sample, oval, medium sized sample (31.1 micrometers)

Rose of Sharon
spiky, circular, largest sample (115 micrometers)

Leica Dissecting Microscope Digital Pictures

Columbine Pollen (35x)
The pollen is very small, it's hard to see the shape at this magnification. However, the flower shape is fairly simple so the parts, including the anthers, are very easy to find. 

 Rose of Sharon Pollen (35x)
The flowers were not very intact, so the pollen was not necessarily around the anthers. The pollen is very large in comparison to the others, and takes the form of large, spikey spheres. They're slightly shiny and easily visible.

Snapdragon Pollen (35x)
Snapdragons have very hard to find anthers, and the pollen is quite small. It seems to stick with other bits of pollen in clumps and I'm curious as to how we managed a sky blue background.